Advertising is an important component of marketing. It has crucial role in todays competitive marketing world. Advertising entirely connected to the tasks of marketing, whose final aim is the full satisfaction of customer needs concerning goods and services.
Advertising is also one of the specific forms of communication. It is designed to perform an appropriate communicating function, linking together advertisers and consumer audience by the means of information channels.
*Advertising establishes contact.
Print advertising is instrumental in making contact with consumers and initiating the sales process.
*Advertising builds awareness and preference
Advertising generates awareness, which leads to brand preference and a predisposition to buy a specific product or shop at a specific business. Advertising and marketing are essential processes needed to ensure that products get to their target markets. Although thought by some to mean the same thing, advertising and marketing are different. Advertising involves more of communication as its focus is on disseminating information about ideas, goods and services. It involves making repeat and potential customers aware of a product or services.
*Advertising introduces a new product in the market
Advertising plays significant role in the introduction of a new product in the market. It stimulates the people to purchase the product.
*Advertising helps maintain and grow market share.
Goods and services are produced according to consumers growing and changing desires. Advertising serves as a tool for competition. In order to compete with others, companies use creative and appealing advertisements to lure consumers to patronize their brands.
*Advertising helps make the sale.
Advertising is a form of communicative activation. It can be informative and persuasive in nature; utilizing the mass or new media to persuade the consumers to purchase goods and services.
Advertising generates store traffic and attracts a knowledgeable consumer who is ready to buy.
*Advertising frequently maintains presence.
People forget, and have new needs and wants every day. Consumers are constantly coming into the market at different times, and advertising keeps your company top-of-mind.
Advantages of advertising
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