Friday, December 29, 2017

Advertisement classification by medium

In the context of advertising, the medium means the channel used to communicate the advertising messages, for example the broadcast media and the print media. Media selection is matter of matching the advertising medium with the product’s target market.

The media for advertising could be split between:
*Print advertising such as newspaper and magazines
*Broadcast/electronic advertising such as radio, cinema and television
*Outdoor advertising e.g. fixed sites and transit

The medium is the message. This means that an ad message is interpreted and influenced by the environment in which it is received and communicate an image that is independent of the message content.

Each medium has unique qualities with strengths and weakness. For example, newspaper provided mass audience coverage and reach reader who are in the appropriate mental frame to process messages, But newspaper suffer form high clutter, limited selectivity and declining readership, among other limitations.

An important element in any advertising campaign is the media mix, the combination of media to be used. Media mix decisions are typically based on several factors: cost per contact, reach, frequency, target audience considerations, flexibility of the medium, noise level and the life span of the medium.
Advertisement classification by medium

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