Non store retailing occurs when a firm uses a strategy mix that is not store based, to reach customers and complete transactions. A non-store retailer does not utilize conventional store facilities.
Advantages of non-store retailing are it is easy to access, a large range of products are available and products can be bought at discounts.
The non-store distribution channel can be divided into direct selling and distance selling, the latter including all forms of electronic commerce. Distance selling includes mail order, catalogue sales, telephone solicitations and automated vending.
Direct selling is a retail channel in which salespeople interact with customers face-to face in a convenient location, either at the customer’s home or at work. It is an effective strategy for products/services with high personal selling elasticity and easy procrastination in purchasing. In addition, this retailing method is useful in sales situations where personal attention to customer desires and individual differences is critical.
Factors influencing the development of non-store retailing: globalization, customer behavior, information and communication technology, payment system, technology and transportation cost.
Non-store retailing strategy
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