Friday, October 11, 2019

Brand knowledge

Brand means a combination of identification and differentiation that draw strong attention to the product for consumers. The brand brings value to consumers and companies.

Brand knowledge is defined by descriptive and evaluative brand-related information that it is individualistic inference about a brand stored in consumer memory.

It comprises brand related notions, brand awareness, and brand image that correlating diverse information such as awareness, attributes, benefits, images, thoughts, feelings, attitudes and experiences to a brand constitutes brand knowledge and directly affect consumer responses.

Brand helps to differentiate products or services from the others and “embodies every undertaking of the company and represents it to the world as a hologram, plays a part in the formation of relationships, and expresses and contributes group affiliation’. Brands are markers of offerings for companies, and a sign of quality, and an indicator of risk or trust for consumers.

Knowledge is an outcome of apprehension and information within a particular context. Experts described knowledge as “….the whole body of cognitions and skills that individuals use in order to solve problems….”. Knowledge, which enables an individual or organization to appraise and aggregate new ideas and information, is more than a collection of experiences and values.

Brand awareness and brand image are two components of brand knowledge, which are the consumer sides of the brand, therefore they could be controlled by the company so that all over the world international brands present the same image of fashion supported by franchising chains and marketing communication activities.

Brand awareness is “reflected by consumers’ ability to identify the brand under different conditions. In branding literature, the concept of awareness has been widely utilized as a component of brand knowledge.
Brand knowledge

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