Shelf space
Shelf space is the amount of selling space in a retail store that is occupied by a type of merchandise measured in terms of square meters, linear or number of facings.
The amount of shelf space a product receives is critical to how well the product will do from a sales standpoint. Limited shelf space or facings and poor positioning on the shelf are both reasons for concern and need to be corrected.
Securing shelf space is integral to securing merchandising support. Only by enlisting the willing cooperation of the dealers, can the firm enlist the needed merchandising support from them.
A well-managed shelf space not only improves customer service by reducing out-of-stock occurrences; it can also improve the return on inventory investment by increasing sales and profit margins.
Getting shelf space and merchandising and display support from the retail outlets is of special significance as competition among brands is fast building up at the retail level. The ones that score in this matter enjoy an overall edge in marketing.
Shelf space
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The kidneys play a vital role in regulating potassium levels by efficiently
excreting excess amounts through urine. In healthy individuals, dietary