Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Integrated marketing

Marketing has always meant and will continue to mean, responding to customers to increase sales. When all the company’s departments work together to serve the customer’s inters, the result is integrated marketing.

Generally, integrated marketing coordinates different marketing strategies, such as public relations, advertising, social media, and more, rather than each strategy working independently of each other.

Unfortunately not all company employees are trained and motivated to work for the customer.
Integrated marketing

Integrated marketing means two things. First the various marketing functions – sales force, advertising, product management, marketing research and so on must be coordinated among themselves.

Second, marketing must be well coordinated with other company department. Marketing does not work when it is merely a department: it work only when all employees appreciate the impact they have in customer satisfaction.

The basic idea of integrated marketing is to achieve an effective overall communication not only with consumers but also other key stakeholders by integrating all communication activities through a common message. In other word, the goal of inveterate marketing is to achieve synergy and consistency in the message relayed to all groups.
Integrated marketing 

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